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General Assembly of Partners

General Assembly
of Partners

Photo ©

The General Assembly of Partners (GAP) is an independent, multi-stakeholder platform that was set up at the initiative of the World Urban Campaign to support stakeholder engagement and contributions to the Habitat III process.

GAP consists of 16 Partner Constituent Groups (PCGs):


Local and Subnational Authorities

Research and Academia

Civil Society Organizations

Grassroots Organizations



Children and Youth

Business and Industries

Foundations and Philanthropies


Trade Unions and Workers


Indigenous People


Older Persons

Persons with Disabilities



In its meeting in Habitat III in Quito in October 2016, the GAP Plenary decided to continue working together. Its membership decided that it would update its goal from shaping the New Urban Agenda and the Conference to contributing to its successful implementation.

The Global Taskforce participates in the General Assembly of Partners in recognition of the important partnerships and shared interests between local and regional governments and civil society. However, the Global Taskforce also sees the need for a distinctive participation mechanism for local and regional governments (the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments) in recognition of the constituency’s unique status as part of the state.