Global Taskforce back-to-back meeting with 'Cities of Tomorrow', Brussels 18-19 February

31 January 2014

Taking advantage of the presence of many of the networks in Brussels for the Cities of Tomorrow Conference, the Global Taskforce will hold a meeting in Brussels on18 and 19 February at CEMR offices (CCRE-CEMR: 1 Square de Meeûs; B - 1000 Brussels).

The aim of the meeting will be to discuss content of the key agenda topics. Share a calendar of activities and define distribution of tasks for the months ahead.

The meeting of the 18th (evening) will be a closed meeting of local and regional governments’ representatives and partners are invited to participate in the session of the 19th(morning). Further details on the agenda, logistic and background documents will be available soon.

Please click here to access the full programme of the Cities of Tomorrow Conference.