Habitat III Draft Policy Unit Frameworks published

13 January 2016

4 January saw the publication of the Draft Policy Paper Frameworks produced by the ten Policy Units charged with providing inputs on the New Urban Agenda, the 20-year global framework on sustainable urban development to be adopted at the Habitat III conference in Quito in October 2016.

The Policy Units bring together high-level expertise to explore state-of-the-art research and analysis on each thematic area, identify good practices and lessons learned, and develop policy recommendations to feed into the Habitat III conference. The Policy Paper Frameworks of each Policy Unit will provide the basis for forthcoming narrative policy papers on each area.

UCLG is co-leading Policy Unit Four on Urban Governance, Capacity and Institutional Development with the London School of Economics in close coordination with the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments. The Policy Unit Four Framework can be consulted here.

UN Member States and other stakeholders can submit written comments on the Draft Policy Unit Frameworks to the Habitat III Secretariat until 31 January 2016.

The Global Taskforce will continue to mobilize its networks to contribute the knowledge and experience of local and regional governments across all ten Policy Unit areas over the coming weeks.

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Related news:

UCLG to co-lead Habitat III Policy Unit on Urban Governance, Capacity and Institutional Development with the London School of Economics