On December 6, Governance Day at UNCCD COP16 in Riyadh highlighted the vital role of local and regional governments in combating Desertification, Land Degradation, and Drought (DLDD). Organized through the Global Taskforce under UCLG's coordination and in partnership with ICLEI, a delegation of 30 mayors and leaders was invited by UNCCD to participate in this global conversation via the Mayors’ Forum.
The strong mobilization of local and regional leaders underscored their commitment to tackling DLDD, challenges they confront daily as the closest level of governance to citizens. This proximity positions them at the forefront of action against these pressing issues.

Key Moments: The Global Taskforce High-Level Working Session and the Mayors’ Forum
The mission comprised two pivotal moments: the Global Taskforce High-Level Working Session and the Mayors’ Forum.
This Global Taskforce High-Level Working Session session focused on identifying challenges faced by local leaders globally and exploring initiatives to enable immediate, locally driven action within the multilateral ecosystem, particularly the United Nations. Partners such as UNECE (Trees in Cities Initiative), the UNCCD COP16 Presidency (Ambition Loop on the Riyadh Action Agenda), the World Economic Forum (Nature Positive Cities), and UN-Habitat (Primer on Land) contributed valuable insights.
Leaders from diverse regions affected by land degradation and drought shared their experiences, emphasizing the need for unified action. The political commitment emerging from this session, titled “United Against Drought and Land Degradation,” materialized in a Call for Engagement. The Constituency of Local Governments also proposed creating the Riyadh Process for Local and Regional Governments as a COP16 legacy to institutionalize their contributions to the UNCCD process and accelerate transboundary local action.
The Mayors’ Forum brought together leaders to exchange on-the-ground experiences through two key segments: Land Management and Water Management. Distinguished attendees, including the COP16 President, Saudi Arabia's Minister of Water, Environment, and Agriculture, the Deputy Mayor of Riyadh Municipality, and Member of the UCLG Executive Presidency and Konya Mayor Ibrahim Altay, reinforced the significance of local action. Altay emphasized the importance of developing multilateral mechanisms to enhance local empowerment.
Throughout the Forum, leaders underscored the need for unity in addressing land degradation and drought as transboundary challenges. They advocated for a multilevel governance approach that prioritizes community and territorial perspectives. Specific calls included supporting the Call for Engagement and addressing key needs such as capacity building, financing for cities, and mechanisms to sustain daily recovery efforts from losses and damages.

The Role of Local Governments in Global Frameworks
While the UN Assembly’s recognition of Local and Regional Governments marks significant progress, achieving full integration into UN frameworks remains a challenge. Events like the Mayors’ Forum highlight the potential of local leaders not just as stakeholders but as co-creators of solutions. Their contributions demonstrate the indispensable role of local action in combating DLDD.
Leaders brought to the discussion their firsthand understanding of challenges such as land degradation, sea-level rise, and climate change. They emphasized the interconnected nature of these issues—such as gender inequality, literacy gaps, and food security—and the necessity of inclusive, global responses. By bridging global strategies with local implementation, these leaders aim to address vulnerabilities through sustainable, community-centered approaches, ensuring local perspectives are central to global decision-making.
Call for Engagement and the Riyadh Process
The Call for Engagement invites Local and Regional Governments to establish structural engagement with the UNCCD Secretariat and Parties. It encourages participation through the Global Taskforce in designing DLDD solutions and calls on cities and mayors worldwide to join this coalition, amplifying the initiative's impact.
The Riyadh Process, outlined in a foundational document, captures the priorities and requests of participating local government, as well as the proposals from the partners outlined above. It defines objectives and a roadmap for ongoing collaboration within the UNCCD COP framework, setting a precedent for enhanced multilateral cooperation aligned with the UN Pact for the Future.
Additional Contributions
The delegation also actively participated in partner sessions, including UN-Habitat’s session on Rural-Urban Linkages and Land, the World Economic Forum’s Land to Soil session, and UNECE’s session on Trees in Dry Cities.

Further readings: