Over 4,000 people have already participated in the consultation on ‘Localizing the Post-2015 Agenda’, since its launch in May 2014. The consultation, co-led by the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, UN-Habitat and UNDP, aims to identify lessons learned from the MDGs and current best practices related to how to implement the new Sustainable Development Goals at local level.
An advisory committee has been set up to guide the process and to contribute to advocacy on localization once it closes. The committee is made up of representatives of different stakeholders: national governments (Italy and Ghana), multilateral organizations (the European Commission), local governments (from UCLG ASPAC and from Palestine), civil society networks (Slum Dwellers International, the Huairou Commission, and the World Conference of Youth), the private sector (UN Global Compact) and academia (UDUAL).
As well as e-discussions (still open to contributions from all) on the World We Want platform, the consultation has included successful dialogues at national, regional and global level. As the last of the dialogues are wrapped up, the co-leads are starting to gather together the findings from both the e-discussions and the dialogue sessions, in order to seek common messages and themes.
The process will culminate in a global meeting in Turin, Italy, in October 2014, in which the main outcomes of the consultation will be presented and discussed. High level participation is expected from national ministers, mayors, local councillors, public officials, and representatives of UN agencies, civil society organizations, and the private sector, as well as international experts on localization.
The final report on ‘Localizing the Post-2015 Agenda’ will be presented to the Secretary General for consideration for inclusion in his report on the Post-2015 Agenda to the UN General Assembly in November 2014.
For more info about the consultations, please click here or visit the official website.