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30 March 2016
Global Taskforce networks UCLG, ICLEI and C40 Cities are mobilizing their members and partners to advocate for the Special Report, which they say would be “a milestone in IPCC history.”
23 March 2016
At the Habitat III European Regional Meeting in Prague, representatives of UCLG/the Global Taskforce and t
22 March 2016
The Mexico City Declaration for Habitat III, “Localizing finance for inclusive change”
09 March 2016
On May 15, local government leaders and networks from around the world will gather in New York for the first session of the Second World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments, convened by the Global Taskforce just before the Habitat III H
23 February 2016
Local government association members of the Global Taskforce met in Barcelona from 9-10 February to define their joint action in the run up to the Habitat III Conference in Quito.