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15 November 2015
On 7-8 November 2015, the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities constituency (LGMA) participated in a high-level dialogue with UN Member States and other stakeholders as part of the ministerial talks on climate change ahead of the CO
08 November 2015
The Global Taskforce will meet in Barcelona from 10-12 November to prepare for the Second World Assembly of Local and Regional Authorities, and to coordinate its joint advocacy strategy for the Habitat III Conference.
12 October 2015
UCLG has been invited to co-lead Policy Unit Four on Urban Governance, Capacity and Institutional Development with
29 September 2015
"We, the local and regional leaders gathered in United Cities and Local Governments and the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, have been here this week to make everybody aware that the Sustainable Development Goa
28 September 2015
New York, USA -  The Sustainable Development Goals represent a transformative agenda. The objective is to transform the economies and societies of developing countries with a view to eliminating poverty by 2030.
17 September 2015
The main international networks of local and regional government gather in New-York to celebrate the adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.