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16 April 2015
Local and Regional Government organizations, in their capacity as governmental stakeholders and gathered as part of the Global Taskforce for Post-2015 Development Agenda and towards Habitat III, met on Monday 13 April on the occasion
13 April 2015
On the occasion of the hearings with civil society and the business sector organized by the United Nations General Assembly as part of the preparation of the 
13 April 2015
  Statement to the Plenary Session of PrepCom2 
01 April 2015
The United Nations General Assembly will convene a third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) 
24 March 2015
The 3d session of intergovernmental negotiations on the Post-2015 agenda is taking place from 23 to 27 March 2015  in New-York.
18 March 2015
The United Cities and Local Governments Culture Summit, held in Bilbao between 18 and 20 March 2015, has served to highlight the essential role of culture in the sustainable development agenda and acknowledge the efforts made by the Global