Local authorities at UN hearings in run-up to Post-2015 Summit

01 June 2015

The Local Authorities Major Group participated in the informal interactive hearings from 26-27 of May 2015, in New York. The hearings were convened by the UN General Assembly as part of preparations for the Post-2015 Summit in September 2015.

The roundtables at the event were an opportunity for the Major Groups, NGOs, civil society, and the private sector to share their concerns and priorities with UN Member States and other stakeholders.

The Local Authorities Major Group and the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments were represented in the roundtable on “Means of Implementation and Global Partnership” by Carl Wright, Secretary General of the Commonwealth Local Governments Forum (CLGF).

Carl Wright highlighted the special role of local and subnational governments already acknowledged in the Rio+20 outcome document, and called for the global partnership for development to be reshaped. He also pointed out the need for accountability mechanisms to be strengthened, arguing that the success of the Post-2015 process can only be guaranteed if there is a sense of ownership and accountability at all levels.

On behalf of the Local Authority Major Group, the CLGF Secretary General said that he hope that the Post-2015 Agenda would aim for a high degree of policy coherence, coordination and cooperation at the global, national, subnational and local levels. He also called for a localized Post-2015 development agenda that clearly allocates responsibilities and ensures adequate resources and capacities for implementation at all scales. Improving the institutional and financial capacity of subnational spheres of government will be particularly important to the success of the Agenda.

Mr. Wright also raised the crucial need for a localized Post-2015 development agenda, referring to the implementation of the goals at local level by non-state actors.