Get involved in Urban Dialogues!

21 July 2015

In October 2016, the United Nations will convene the UN Conference on Housing and   Sustainable   Urban Development  (Habitat III) in   Quito, Ecuador.  As part of preparations for the Habitat III Conference next year, Habitat has opened up two consultation processes: inputs to the Issue papers prepared by the UN agencies and programmes, and a series of Urban Dialogues (online debates), both taking place over the month of July.

These on-line debates are organized around six areas of debates identified officially as part of the overall structure of the "New Urban Agenda": Social Cohesion & Equity, Urban Frameworks, Spatial Development, Urban Economy, Urban Ecology & Environment and Urban Housing & Basic Services.


The networks of the Global Taskforce encourage their members to take advantage of this opportunity to put their concerns and priorities on the table, and to demonstrate our willingness and ability to engage in the process.

Share yours ideas, solutions, and knowledge!

The debates close on 31 July.

More information: