Third, he called on local and regional governments to use the recovery from the pandemic to accelerate investment and implementation in clean, green infrastructure and transport systems.
The UN Secretary General also confirmed he will personally advocate for local governments access to financing mechanisms, to address the fiscal gaps you face and provide funding for investments that could save millions of lives and protect trillions of dollars in economic assets.
Finally, and following-up on the conversation on UN75, he pleaded for a United Nations based on an inclusive, networked multilateralism that links national governments, civil society, businesses and cities with global and regional organizations, trading blocs and financial institutions.
He recognised the importance of diversity, including women’s equal leadership, which brings new approaches and greater effectiveness, citing the importance of the growing female leadership.
He ended making links with the network of Resident Coordinators and Country Teams that can support local and regional governments' policies and priorities, providing with expertise of our specialist agencies, and connecting us with other global players.
Further information:
- UN Secretary General's Remarks (full text): https://www.un.org/sg/
en/content/sg/statement/2021- 04-16/un-secretary-generals- remarks-meeting-leading- mayors-supported-c40-cities-% E2%80%9Cadvancing-carbon- neutral-resilient-recovery- for-cities-and-nations%E2%80% 9D%C2%A0final-tex - UN75 Local and Regional Governments Vision Report: https://www.
un75localandregionalvisionrepo rt.global-taskforce.org/fr - C40 Report: Cities Leading the Way: https://resourcecentre.
c40.org/resources#cities- leading-the-way