A stand-alone SDG makes Sense!

07 January 2014

It would comply with paragraph 247 of the Rio Declaration, which underlines that goals should « adress and be focused on priority areas for the achievement of sustainable development » and « global in nature, and universally applicable to all countries » Said Ronan Dantec representing UCLG and the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments at the 7th Session of the Open Working Group.

Such a Goal should not limit itself to cities but would need to include cohesion and focus on reducing inequality and increasing participation.

An Urban SDG would be a matter for civil society, communities and local governments, ensuring their full involvement and ownership over the new development agenda.

Read full speech of Ronan Dantec, UCLG Representative on Climate Change speaking on behalf of the Global Taskforce and LGMA Major Group on 6th January in New York.