The Tenth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF 10) will be held from 8-13 February 2020 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. This will be the first time that an Arab country will host the world’s most important conference on cities and human settlements.
WUF10 is convened by UN-Habitat in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities, the Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, General Secretariat of the Executive Council, and the ultra-modern Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre.
The theme of the Tenth Session is Cities of Opportunities: Connecting Culture and Innovation.
World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments
A session of the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments, the mechanism agreed upon for the review and follow-up of the New Urban Agenda, will be held during WUF 10. Convened by the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, it will allow the local and regional governments constituency to deliberate and agree upon its political voice in the international agenda, as well as to provide a space for our constituency to reflect on our policies and solutions for the coming years.
Local and Regional Governments' Roundtable
In the framework of the World Urban Forum, a dialogue between mayors and ministers will take place as the Local and Regional Governments Roundtable. The debate will ensure that the views of all stakeholders are incorporated to find solutions to the challenges faced when implementing the New Urban Agenda, and enhance dialogue among spheres of government.
Further information
- Visit the website of the World Urban Forum
- Register for the WUF