UN confirms Habitat III participation process for local and regional governments

13 January 2016

On 21 December, the UN General Assembly confirmed the specific rules and processes for the participation of local and regional governments and other stakeholders in the Habitat III process.

Resolution A/RES/67/473 on the Implementation of the outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and strengthening of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) builds on Rule 62 of the Habitat II Rules of Procedure adopted by the Third Preparatory Committee in 1996.

The text mentions specific hearings for local authorities to be held in May 2016 and acknowledges the organization of the Second World Assembly of Local and Regional Authorities (page 4). It also includes a specific Rule (Rule 64) on the participation of representatives of local authorities that allows us to participate in most deliberations of the conference.

Rule for Habitat III

Rule 64 Representatives of local authorities 

Representatives of local authorities accredited to the Conference, in accordance with the arrangements set up to that effect in annex II of the present resolution, may participate, without the right to vote, in the deliberations of the Conference, the Main Committee and, as appropriate, any other committee or working group, on questions within the scope of their activities. 

Thus, participation of local and regional governments in the 2016 Conference will be similar to that of Habitat II, aside from changes that open up the accreditation process.

The Habitat III Resolution provides a solid opportunity for local and regional governments to participate actively in the development of the New Urban Agenda. The Global Taskforce will make sure to increase the visibility of our constituency over the coming months and t put forward concrete proposals that allow Habitat III to harness the knowledge and experience of local and regional leaders across the world.

More info

The deadline for submitting accreditation applications are:

  • Preparatory Committee, second session – 15 March 2015

  • Preparatory Committee, third session – 1 April 2016

  • Habitat III Conference – 2 May 2016

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