A high-level delegation of The Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments will gather at the Tenth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF 10) that will be held from 8-13 February 2020 in Abu Dhabi, with the aim to secure the voices of our constituency during the WUF, and ensuring that the localization of the Global Agendas is seen as a priority during the implementation decade.
200 local and regional government representatives from across the globe will gather in Abu Dhabi to call for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda as an accelerator of the Global Goals, and implementing all of the agendas as one to rise up to the challenges we have before us. 14 member networks from the Global Taskforce (ICLEI, CUF, UCCI, CLGF, ATO, UCLG, UCLG-Africa, UCLG-ASPAC, UCLG-Regions, CEMR, Mercociudades, UCLG-NORAM, FLACMA and Metropolis) will represent our constituency during the World Urban Forum.
Our constituency is ensuring that a direct dialogue be established between our members and the UN high officials, especially on the issues of WUF10: culture, sustainable urbanization and innovation. Below are highlighted some of the key moments for our constituency.
[The programme of our constituency will be available soon]
Resolutions of the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments
A session of the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments, the mechanism agreed upon for the review and follow-up of the New Urban Agenda, will be held during WUF 10. It will provide a space for our constituency to deliberate and agree on resolutions on WUF10 themes to be presented to UN-Habitat bodies.
Convened by the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, the sitting of the World Assembly will build on the key recommendations that resulted from the dialogue with civil society, the constituency of local and regional governments, and partners in Durban.
The outcomes of the debates will feed the Resolutions of the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments, which is expected to be a framework that allows us to secure our political positions and continue to develop the co-creation processes that began in the last session of the World Assembly in November.
Improving local-national dialogue at the Local and Regional Governments’ Roundtable
In the framework of the World Urban Forum, a dialogue between mayors and ministers will take place as the Local and Regional Governments Roundtable. Building on the national-local discussions that the Global Taskforce has been promoting within the UN, the debate will ensure that the views of all stakeholders are incorporated to find solutions to the challenges faced when implementing the New Urban Agenda, and enhance dialogue among spheres of government.
Voices from Cities: showcase our networks’ policies and practices
As in the past editions of the WUF, the Global Taskforce will be assisting with the co- curation of “Voices from Cities”. These sessions will give a voice to representatives of local and regional governments by providing a space to showcase best practices, efforts undertaken, and milestones reached towards the achievement of sustainable urban development.
Check here the Voices from Cities dedicated page
United Nations Advisory Committee of Local Authorities
UNACLA will hold a session during the WUF to strengthen the dialogue between UN Habitat and the local and regional governments constituency.
Local Perspectives in the Outcome Document of the World Urban Forum
The Local and Regional Governments constituency will also have a say in the outcome document of the World Urban Forum through our participation in the Advisory Committee. Three representatives of our constituency will be a part of the multi-disciplinary Committee in charge of drafting the document, including local perspectives in the final version to ensure localization plays a role in the future of the WUF.
The Local and Regional Government’s Constituency will have a pavilion within the space of the Abu Dhabi Exhibition Center. The pavilion will have a small agora and meeting room for the participants, and will ensure our visibility and coordination during the WUF. Feel free to visit us during #WUF10!
Further information:
Visit the website of the World Urban Forum
Register for the World Urban Forum (until January 31, 2020)
See the full programme of the World Urban Forum
See the Local and Regional Governments activities at the 10th World Urban Forum.