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04 December 2013
UCLG has launched an Awareness Campaign for a Stand-Alone Urban Goal which aims at influencing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) process to acknowledge local and regional governme
26 November 2013
Last Friday, the 22nd the Open Working Group on sustainable development goals had conveyed a dialogue between Major Groups and other stakeholders and Member States addressing cross-cutting issues for the SDGs process.
26 November 2013
The next meeting of the Global Taskforce will take place at the occasion of the special event “Sustainable Cities; Key
25 November 2013
Local and regional governments take action to address 50% of the global emissions of CO2 linked to the daily running of their communities.
22 November 2013
On 13 December at UN HQ, ahead of the Open Working Group session on sustainable cites and human settlements to take place from 6 to 10 January 2014 in New-York, political representatives will discuss the localization of targets and
19 November 2013
The 2013 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), held in Colombo, 15-17 November,  formally recognised the role which developmental local government can play in enhancing the exercise of democratic